The Austrian Sustainable Building Council is an umbrella organisation for both businesses and individuals interested in enhancing quality standards of the Austrian building industry, in compliance with sustainable building.
- Building assessment systems, which are further developed under the ASBC umbrella, were designed as "open standard" and were made freely available to those interested and to businesses and institutions.
- As an open-source developer, the Austrian Sustainable Building Council aims to counteract the trend towards expensive brands.
- Knowledge, methods and tools to sustainably enhance quality standards of the Austrian and the international building industry are provided free of cost (if possible) to those who want to contribute to this cause.
- Conventions, organised events, PR and the exchange of experience will support Austria’s building and real estate industry additionally.
Membership is open to individuals, institutions and businesses interested in providing their expertise in the field of sustainable building, and those who want to support the goals of the Austrian Sustainable Building Council.