Building declaration
The building declaration is the first required step in the TQB assessment, for which the TQB assessment tool is used. This tool is provided online by the Austrian Sustainable Building Council. The entire declaration is thus carried out digitally: all the quality criteria applicable to the object can be selected in the assessment tool and the respective proof can be uploaded.
The declaration is supported by ASBC consultants who are listed by the Austrian Sustainable Building Council. These consultants are familiar with the TQB assessment methods and have extensive experience in the field of sustainable building.
ASBC consultants can be both individuals and businesses from the construction industry, e.g. construction consultants, architecture firms, technical offices, construction physicists, R&D facilities, as well as real estate administrators, developers and facility management companies.
The use of the assessment tools is free and a ASBC membership is not required. However, registration with ASBC, a qualification proof and at least one reference project for residential and service buildings must be presented. This reference project can also be one which was submitted for declaration.